name is Mohamad Firdaus Bin Nizamuddin, so this is my outline of my subtopic about an effects of "mat rempit" among youngsters.....
3.1 Effects to individual:
i)More time be wasted with unbenefit things or work.
ii)Their education will be distracted.
iii)They cost their life with endanger and risky bike ride like an example they try to escape from police road block.
iv)They also involved with other social problems like being alcoholic,gambling and having a sex before married.
v)Being rude and not have a moral value to each other.
vi)They take a risky bike ride because almost of them not have a driving liscence and they are not a legal road user.
vii)They make a “mat rempit” as their new life and new trend among our youngsters.
3.2 Effects to parents:
i)Both of parents and children not have an enough time to be each other.
ii)Youngsters who get involved with “mat rempit” being rude to their parents like they also willing to hit their parents to get what they want.
iii)Children make their parents as victims if they have a problem.
iv)Make their family ashamed with them.
v)Give a bad image to their parents and drop their family dignity.
3.3 Effects to community:
i)”mat rempit” activities might be harmful to other people.
ii)”mat rempit” also interrupt community with bike noisy.
iii)They also not respects to community elders.
iv)It will create unrespected to this group.
v)Increasement of crime like rapist, snatch thief, robbers and murderer.
vi)They also make a police as their victims if their activities like have an illegal race was bothered by a police.
3.4 Effects to country:
i)Government have to face a trouble to solve “mat rempit” issues.
ii)Make all the youngsters careless about our country development.
iii)Increasing case like rapist, murderer and robbers who involved the “mat rempit’.
iv)Existence of “mat rempit” contributes bad image to nation.
v)Involvements of “mat rempit” also cause an increasement in accident rate for motorcycle.
vi)Stolen of motorcycle cases are correlated with “mat rempit” activities.
vii)Government have to raise penalty and punishment to make “mat rempit” alert that government was serious to decrease this problem.
viii)”mat rempit” issues force the police to treat them like a criminal.
x)”mat rempit” become a trend to youngsters and the impact is they lost our Malaysian cultural and not appreciate our Malaysian independence and our freedom.
3.5 Effects to religion:
i)Make the image of the religion drop because of them.
ii)No respects to religion as example being alcoholic even religion restrict them to do that.
iii)Being no moral value in their selves like being rude to parents and elders.
iv)Do something unbenefit eventhought is not accepted by religion.
v)They being alcoholic although religion did not pleased us to do that.
vi)They also neglect the religion need them to do and leave religion guide.
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