Thursday, October 1, 2009

Some Pictures Part 2

Some Pictures Part 1

Just For Viewing...

this entry had nothing to do with my group topic, but i would like to post this entry for my other classmate to add in their topic, ONE MALAYSIA..

these pictures shows the spirit of ONE MALAYSIA...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 name is Ahmad Rushdi Bin Abd Rahman and my matrix number is A123123. Here in this blog, my purpose for take part is because our group member has chose to discuss about the involvement of 'rempit' among teenagers and these also included some points based on our group outline. First, we're going to elaborate about 'matrempit' introduction, factors, effects, ways to overcome and lastly the conclusion including some recommendations. For my part, i have to discuss about how we're going to curb and solve 'Mat Rempit' problems among teenagers that has been caused many problems in our community. So i have to state my point about ways to overcome 'Mat Rempit'

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Outline of the topic

These are the outlines Madam Rozmel asked our group to post in our blog. The reason for these outline is to make a clear view on the point we are discussing.


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Research objectives

1.2 Research questions

1.3 Definition of Rempit

1.4 Issues of the Term “Rempit”

1.5 Teenagers involvement

2.0 Factors

2.1 The culture of rempit has not been handle due to the people themselves

2.2 They are bored with their lives and want to find extreme entertainment

2.3 The parents not observing their children’s activities

2.4 The film’s that promotes these types of activities

2.5 They like to follow their friends

3.0 Effects

3.1 Effects to individual

3.2 Effects to parents

3.3 Effects to community

3.4 Effect to country

3.5 Effects to religion

4.0 Ways to overcome

4.1 Schools Roles Take a Major Influences Among Teenagers

4.2 Roles of Community and Other Society

4.3 Roles of Laws and Government Authorities

4.4 Implementation Module in National Service Training Program (PLKN)

5.0 Conclusion

5.1 Recommendation


My name is Mohamad Firdaus bin Nizamuddin. My matrix number is A128491. I'm going to eloberate my points on the effects of rempit among youngsters.

3.1 Effects to individual:
i)More time be wasted with unbenefit things or work.
ii)Their education will be distracted.
iii)They cost their life with endanger and risky bike ride like an example they try to escape from police road block.
iv)They also involved with other social problems like being alcoholic,gambling and having a sex before married.
v)Being rude and not have a moral value to each other.
vi)They take a risky bike ride because almost of them not have a driving liscence and they are not a legal road user.
vii)They make a “mat rempit” as their new life and new trend among our youngsters.

3.2 Effects to parents:
i)Both of parents and children not have an enough time to be each other.
ii)Youngsters who get involved with “mat rempit” being rude to their parents like they also willing to hit their parents to get what they want.
iii)Children make their parents as victims if they have a problem.
iv)Make their family ashamed with them.
v)Give a bad image to their parents and drop their family dignity.

3.3 Effects to community:
i)”mat rempit” activities might be harmful to other people.
ii)”mat rempit” also interrupt community with bike noisy.
iii)They also not respects to community elders.
iv)It will create unrespected to this group.
v)Increasement of crime like rapist, snatch thief, robbers and murderer.
vi)They also make a police as their victims if their activities like have an illegal race was bothered by a police.

3.4 Effects to country:
i)Government have to face a trouble to solve “mat rempit” issues.
ii)Make all the youngsters careless about our country development.
iii)Increasing case like rapist, murderer and robbers who involved the “mat rempit’.
iv)Existence of “mat rempit” contributes bad image to nation.
v)Involvements of “mat rempit” also cause an increasement in accident rate for motorcycle.
vi)Stolen of motorcycle cases are correlated with “mat rempit” activities.
vii)Government have to raise penalty and punishment to make “mat rempit” alert that government was serious to decrease this problem.
viii)”mat rempit” issues force the police to treat them like a criminal.
x)”mat rempit” become a trend to youngsters and the impact is they lost our Malaysian cultural and not appreciate our Malaysian independence and our freedom.

3.5 Effects to religion:
i)Make the image of the religion drop because of them.
ii)No respects to religion as example being alcoholic even religion restrict them to do that.
iii)Being no moral value in their selves like being rude to parents and elders.
iv)Do something unbenefit eventhought is not accepted by religion.
v)They being alcoholic although religion did not pleased us to do that.
vi)They also neglect the religion need them to do and leave religion guide.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Full paper work : Effects of "mat rempit" among youngsters.. name Mohamad Firdaus Bin, i would like to add this work as my full paper of my subtopic discussion..

As we know, “mat rempit” issue was a big problem to our country to solve it. The government always finding a way to overcome this social problem before it will be more worsted. However, without we are aware about the “mat rempit” issue, this activity shows negative effects to everyone. As example, “mat rempit” activity will affect their selves, to parents, to community, to religion and to our country either.

3.1 Effects to individual.
Firstly, “mat rempit” activity will effects their selves like more of their time will be wasted with unbenefit activity like riding their motorcycle without having an objective and destination. In addition, their education will be distracted because they have ignored about study and not belong to stay in school yet. Other than that, they also cost their life with endanger and risky bike riding like an example in one situation where they tried to escape their selves from police road block with through a wrong way and almost of them not have a driving licenses and they are not a legal road user. “mat rempit” also affected with other social problems like being alcoholic, gambling, and also having a sex before married. Besides that, effects of “mat rempit” to their selves shows that they being rude and also not have a moral value to each others. “mat rempit” was being a new life and trend to our youngsters.

3.2 Effects to parents.
Secondly, “mat rempit” also give a negative effect to their parents. When the youngsters join the “mat rempit” activity, both of parents and children not have an enough time to be each other together because they always spend more of their time with their friends and groups. In addition, the “mat rempit” will being rude to their parents until become an aggressive like they willing to hurt their parents to get what they wanted for. They also make their parents as their victims if they have a problem such as couple problem, lost in illegal racing and other. Other than that, they also make their family feel ashamed with them because joining “mat rempit” and give a bad image to their parents and drop family dignity just because they had involved with “mat rempit” beside do a wrong things like an example they become a robbers and snatch thief.

3.3 Effects to community.
Thirdly, “mat rempit” also give a negative effect to community. The youngsters who were involved with “mat rempit” activity might be harmful to other people especially the community. Their activity also interrupt the community with their bike noisy where they like to be on group and make noisy and show their danger credibility like wheelie while riding their motorcycles. Besides that, they are not respects to community elders such as willing to hit community if they are scolded by community especially if they make group at residential area and it will create unrespected to this group. In addition, from the “mat rempit” problem we can see that an increasement of crime involving youngsters such as rapist, snatch thief, robbers and murderer.

3.4 Effects to religion.
Next, effects “mat rempit” to religion is from this activity it will make the image of the religion drop because of them. Besides that, they have no respects to religion as example they are being an alcoholic even religion restrict them to do that. Then, they have no moral value in their selves like being rude to parents and elders and because they had make “mat rempit” as their new trend and guide line. In addition, they always do something unbenefit activity such as hang out with their friends even though it is not accepted by religion because if they always hang out they will neglect the religion needed like prays. They also being alcoholic and having a free life style like having a sex before married although religion did not pleased us to do that and leave religion guide either.

3.5 Effects to country.
Lastly, “mat rempit” also being a problem to country to solve it because they also give an effects to country too. One of the effects is, it will make all the youngsters careless about our country development such as they do not know what happened to country. Effects of their activity, it will occur an increasing of social case such as rapist, murderer and robbers where this problems happened when involving the “mat rempit”. Other than that, existence of “mat rempit” contributes bad image to nation and involvements of “mat rempit” also cause an increasement in accident rate for motorcycle riders. Then, stolen of motorcycle cases are correlated with “mat rempit” activities and because of that government have to raise penalty and punishment to make “mat rempit” alert that government was serious to decrease this issue. In addition, “mat rempit” issues force the police to treat them like a criminal. “mat rempit” become like a new trend among youngsters and the impact is they lost our Malaysian cultural and also not appreciate our Malaysian independence and our Malaysia freedom.

As a conclusion, “mat rempit” issue still not properly solved yet and gives a negative effect to everyone. So, to overcome this issue we as a Malaysian have to work together and have a compromise without hope just government have to face this issue only.

Outline of project paper : Effects of "mat rempit" among youngsters.. name is Mohamad Firdaus Bin Nizamuddin, so this is my outline of my subtopic about an effects of "mat rempit" among youngsters.....



3.1 Effects to individual:

i)More time be wasted with unbenefit things or work.

ii)Their education will be distracted.

iii)They cost their life with endanger and risky bike ride like an example they try to escape from police road block.

iv)They also involved with other social problems like being alcoholic,gambling and having a sex before married.

v)Being rude and not have a moral value to each other.

vi)They take a risky bike ride because almost of them not have a driving liscence and they are not a legal road user.

vii)They make a “mat rempit” as their new life and new trend among our youngsters.

3.2 Effects to parents:

i)Both of parents and children not have an enough time to be each other.

ii)Youngsters who get involved with “mat rempit” being rude to their parents like they also willing to hit their parents to get what they want.

iii)Children make their parents as victims if they have a problem.

iv)Make their family ashamed with them.

v)Give a bad image to their parents and drop their family dignity.

3.3 Effects to community:

i)”mat rempit” activities might be harmful to other people.

ii)”mat rempit” also interrupt community with bike noisy.

iii)They also not respects to community elders.

iv)It will create unrespected to this group.

v)Increasement of crime like rapist, snatch thief, robbers and murderer.

vi)They also make a police as their victims if their activities like have an illegal race was bothered by a police.

3.4 Effects to country:

i)Government have to face a trouble to solve “mat rempit” issues.

ii)Make all the youngsters careless about our country development.

iii)Increasing case like rapist, murderer and robbers who involved the “mat rempit’.

iv)Existence of “mat rempit” contributes bad image to nation.

v)Involvements of “mat rempit” also cause an increasement in accident rate for motorcycle.

vi)Stolen of motorcycle cases are correlated with “mat rempit” activities.

vii)Government have to raise penalty and punishment to make “mat rempit” alert that government was serious to decrease this problem.

viii)”mat rempit” issues force the police to treat them like a criminal.

x)”mat rempit” become a trend to youngsters and the impact is they lost our Malaysian cultural and not appreciate our Malaysian independence and our freedom.

3.5 Effects to religion:

i)Make the image of the religion drop because of them.

ii)No respects to religion as example being alcoholic even religion restrict them to do that.

iii)Being no moral value in their selves like being rude to parents and elders.

iv)Do something unbenefit eventhought is not accepted by religion.

v)They being alcoholic although religion did not pleased us to do that.

vi)They also neglect the religion need them to do and leave religion guide.

My name is Ahmad Rushdi Bin Abd Rahman. My Matrix number is A123123 and i will discuss and describe about my part; how to curb and solve 'Mat Rempit' problems among teenagers that has been caused many problems in our community . So, i have to state about.. Ways to Overcome "Mat Rempit" problems which included some points:

4.0 Ways To Overcome 'Mat Rempit' Problems

4.1 Schools Roles Take a Major Influences Among Teenagers

4.2 Roles of Community and Other Society

4.3 Roles of Laws and Government Authorities

4.4 Implementation Module in National Service Training Program (PLKN)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


My name is Amirullah bin Yusoff. My matrix number is A128544. My part is to describe the factor that contributes to the involvement of rempit among teenagers. Below are my points.


2.1 The culture of rempit has not been handle due to the people themselves.

2.2 They are bored with their lives and want to find extreme entertainment.

2.3 The parents not observing their children’s activities.

2.4 The film’s that promotes these types of activities.

2.5 They like to follow their friends.

Overcome the Problem of Mat Rempits

BohsiaHow do we handle the problem of rempits among our youths? The situation is becoming more and more serious especially when we just let them be. Just look at how many crime cases there are that can be directly linked to the. Snatch theft, drug abuse and rape is among the most frequent. All of it just to satisfy their own needs. Yes, it’s true that there those are among them that do not involve themselves in said crime but the illegal racing that they enjoy so much is a danger not only to themselves but also those around them.

So what are the factors that lead our youths to become rempits and why have we failed to handle this problem?

According to Dr. Azeem Fazwan Ahmad Farouk, a lecturer at Universiti Sains Malaysia, the culture of rempit has not been handled due to the people themselves. He says that the public only points fingers at the authorities such as the police and the JPJ when the issue of rempits comes up. We cannot take this matter lightly.

I guess there’s truth in what he says but I’m sure them public is afraid as these mat rempits easily get angry and violent if we stand up to them. They seem to think they’re invincible. They will definitely make us their target if we interfere and that is why many do not dare.

Dr. Azeem also feels that the main factor for them is that they are bored with their lives and want to find extreme entertainment. It then leads to other crimes such as fighting, robbing, snatch theft and rape. In this matter, parents are the first to be blamed for not observing their children’s activities. They should be aware of who their children’s are and where they are at all times. It is their responsibility, not the teachers in schools.

Another factor that I feel attracted the youths to take part in illegal racing in the abundance of films that promotes these types of activities. I’m not talking about foreign films but the local films made in Malaysia. Titles such as Rempit and Bohsia are definitely favorites among teenagers. I understand that the original intention of these films is to open the eyes of the public but the question is do those who watch really get the message being delivered? Or do they watch it just for the action scenes? Just look at the increase in illegal racing after the film Rempit was launched. The main reason cited by filmmakers is that they wish to show the real situation to the populace. But all they’re doing is reaping in the profits from films such as these. What then is the role of the Malaysian Censorship Board

KUALA LUMPUR, May 27 (Bernama) -- Despite the authorities' move to allow non-professional racing at the circuits in Sepang and Pasir Gudang, the act by the street speed fiends or popularly dubbed as 'mat rempit' continues to sizzle and hot up.

There is no lack of action available for these illegal street racers particularly at the Sepang International circuit which hosts events like the Malaysian Super Series (MSS) on the weekend.

To race in that event, those with motorcycles of 250 cc (power) and above are required to pay RM100 each while for bikers with machines of below 250 cc in power, the fee is RM70 each.

Hence, claims that these road racers have no place to let off their steam can be regarded as baseless as it appears that the mat rempit prefer to race at their 'street circuits'.

Kuala Lumpur Senior Traffic Investigating Officer ASP Rizal Abdul Rahman Sidek said despite the many facilities, the mat rempit appear not to be interested.


"Police have no prejudice against this group. We know that most of them are from families that have problems," he said, adding that under the law the name mat rempit is non-existent, only that the media had coined the term.

"Mat rempit always claim that they have no venues to race, but that is only an excuse. They took part in the illegal races in order to build their reputation apart from getting the gratification".

Rizal said this during a forum "Dunia Mat Rempit: Masyarakat Terhimpit (World of Mat Rempit: Troubled Society) at the Malaysian Institute of Islamic Understanding (Ikim) here recently.

Introduction of topic

My name is Muhammad Nabil bin Jamil. Matrix number A130944. This is my first post, but i have already posted some comments or arguments earlier. My part is the first part whick talk or explain about the intorduction of our group topic, which is:


Below is my first draft.

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Research Objective

1.1.1 to find out the factors that contribute for teenager’s involvement in Rempit

1.1.2 to discuss about the effects of teenagers involvement in Rempit to the community, teenagers themselves and the country

1.1.3 discussion on preventing these problems and to control it from affecting more teenagers

1.2 Research question

1.2.1 What are the reasons for teenagers involved with Rempit?

1.2.2 What will happen to teenagers, community and the country if the Rempit problems are not well treated or prevent?

1.2.3 How to prevent or overcome Rempit problems from infecting the whole community?

1.3 Definition of Rempit

1.3.1 Rempit was derived from the noise made by a 2-stroke motorcycle. The usage of the term “remp it” defines the Rempit term which related with motorcycle. Remp it in this context referring to remp the throttle of the motorcycle.

1.3.2 “Mat Rempit” is the name given for those involved with Rempit. “Mat” is basically a Malay slang term to call or to refer to a male person but usually used derogatorily.

1.4 Issues of the term

1.4.1 Recently, there is an issue to replace the term “Mat Rempit” to “Samseng Jalanan” which means thugs-on wheels proposed by the Police. They claimed that the usage of the terms “Mat Rempit” or “Rempit” is like given or putting them in glamourous image, something that they do not deserve to be labeled or called.

1.4.2 Due to the wide usage of the term, it also had been made to be a title for a movie, Remp-It, which tells the story about Rempit life. This also contributes for the proposal to change the term so that “Mat Rempit” will not feel proud about their activities anymore. The term “Samseng Jalanan” only can be looked in the negative side.

1.5 Teenagers Involvement

1.5.1 According to PDRM statistic, since 2001 until May 2006, 3182 had been arrested with 2970 of them aged between 16 to 25 years old, involving Rempit.

1.5.2 On 2005, PDRM statistic also showed that 3175 death had been stated for those who involved with Rempit, compared 3088 (2004), 3166 (2003), 3034 (2002), 2972 (2001), 3118 (2000) and 2960 (1999).

1.5.3 Overall statistic showed that 2005 until July 2008, 1557 illegal racer had been arrested under the Seksyen 42 Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987. From the statistic, “Mat Rempit” in the range of 16 to 20 years old outnumbered the arrest with 913 people had been arrested, followed by 21 to 25 years old with 500 arrests, 26 to 30 years old with 63 arrests, under 15 years old with 26 arrests and up to 31 years old with 5 arrests.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Mat Rempit

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One of Mat Rempit's favourite 'Aerodynamic Pose' a.k.a. 'Superman' seen on the streets of Malaysia.

A Mat Rempit is a Malaysian term for 'an individual who participates in illegal street racing', usually involving underbone motorcycles (colloquially known as Kapcai) or scooters. Not all Mat Rempits are involved in street racing; some of them perform crazy stunts for fun, such as the wheelie, superman (lying flat on the seat), wikang, and scorpion (standing on the seat with one leg during a wheelie).

Mat Rempits usually travel in groups and race in bustling city centres on weekend nights. In recent times, Mat Rempits have been linked to gangsterism, gang robbery[1][2], street fighting, assault[3], vandalism, theft and bullying. Most motorcycles used by the Mat Rempits do not meet standard specifications, or have been modified extensively for greater speed, or just to make the exhaust noisier.

Additionally, some Mat Rempits do not have valid motorcycle licenses, do not pay road taxes, and ride stolen motorcycles[4][5]. A growing number of housing estates have also been turned into racing tracks[6]. It is estimated that there are about 200,000 Mat Rempits in Malaysia[7].

In some other countries, the term Mat Rempit is also u


The word 'Rempit' came from the combination of ramp it (ramp the throttle). The definition of 'Rempit' in Kamus Dewan[2] is menyebat dengan rotan in malay or whipping with cane. An alternative source of the word, 'Rempit', is derived from the noise made by a 2-stroke motorcycle. 'Mat' is a malay slang term to call or to refer to a person who usually is of Malay descent but usually used derogatorily.

sed, but more to refer to one as a motorcycle lover or rider (Mat Motor), as opposed to an illegal motorcycle racer. Sometime the terms of Mat Rempit misused to refer any individual who rides an underbone motorcycle. Related to this is the Mat Konvoi, which claim to be the non-racing version of Mat Rempit.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Program Latihan Khidmat Negara and Mat Rempits
scooter_shadow_winceWhy spend more money building rehabilation centres and hiring consultants and so on when PLKN/NS is available?


No Idea what Mat Rempits are?

Go here. And, I am talking about Malaysian’s term for Mat Rempit.

With all the problems they caused, National Service should be a good place for them to “rehabilitate”, learn from their mistakes.

Most of these Mat rempit are teenagers. Teenagers who do not perform well in school.

With the lack of focus on extracuricular activities in schools, these teenagers do not find school interesting.

Futhermore, in our society, those who perform well in their studies are only those who are looked up on and to those who don’t, vice versa.

Imagine yourself being looked down by the teachers everyday you go to school in every lesson. It IS hell.

Most teachers nowadays get motivated to help the good students (good students here means well behaved, class performing students) get better while leaving the not good students (you get the idea plus most of them have family background problems) to rot in their coner of their class.

These type of students gather together (cause they have no other companions. Due to the adults’ attitude, even most good students shun them) and form groups. They consider each other brothers or/and sisters since they have only themselves.

Thus, gangsterism, Mat Rempits and all sorts appear.

And, what happens when these groups are caught and punished for what their live’s path forced them to do?

They do not learn. They need to be taught that even though they have take such a path in their live, there is still time to turn around and change. That’s why NS is available right?

Why spend more money building rehabilation centres and hiring consultants and so on when NS is available?

Isn’t the NS’s objective, vision and mission are suitable for turning these kids around?

To solve these social problems that are mounting up day by day in our country, we have to solve them at the root.

No use to keep taking panadols to cure the headache if you are going to get the headache again.

Might as well improve on your body’s immune system to fend of headache once and for all.



Read the following is taken from the Malay Mail newspaper on the 8th of June 2009, that is 5 days ago.

NS says “no” to Mat Rempit

SUGGESTIONS that the Mat Rempit undergo National Service (NS), has been rejected by the NS Training Department, with its director-general Mr. A saying the programme was not suitable for the motorcycle thugs.

The objective of the NS, he said, was to enhance unity among the multi-racial communities, build character and positive characteristics (like stated above) among the younger generation through good values. It is not a place to correct or rehabilitate Mat Rempit.

“To me, the NS has been successful because 80 to 85 percent of the modules used have achieved their objective and that is why many have suggested to include the Mat Rempit in the programme,” Mr. A said at the passing out ceremony for the second batch of trainees who completed their service at Cancun Park Camp in Pasir Mas, Kelantan, yesterday.


Blog source:

Transport Ministry To Curb Road Menaces

PETALING JAYA, July 13 (Bernama) -- In a move to curb road menaces, in particular, those involving the 'mat rempit' and motorcycle-riding snatch thieves, the transport ministry has begun intensifying enforcement measures.

Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat said, while the authorities had no power to prevent the usage of motorcycles as a medium of transportation, more steps would be taken to reduce such menaces, besides improving road safety among motorcyclists.

He said that this was also one of the top key results area which the ministry had set to achieve under the key performance index (KPI).

He said the Road Safety Department would collaborate with the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research and other relevant agencies to bring concrete measures to effectively reduce road mishaps involving motorcylists.

"Concurrently, the Road Transport Department is also looking into ways and means to reduce social crimes involving motorcyclists such as snatch thefts and the 'mat rempit'," he told a news conference after witnessing a signing ceremony between Star Foundation and Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Utar) on creative industries here today.

Dismissing fears that the government's recent announcement on cheaper fees to motorcycle licences would lead to a rise in road menaces, Ong said he would continue to discuss and work with other relevant ministries on ways to strengthen enforcement.

Last Saturday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, in marking his 100 days in office, had announced 11 people-friendly measures.

They included reducing the cost of obtaining a B2 motorcycle licence (under 250cc) to RM211, effective Sept 1, from the current cost of between RM500 and RM700.

"It is a good move to help reduce the people's burden," noted Ong.


Promote social activities vs isolated activities such as video games, too much tv. Add conflict resolution teachings in schools. Allow volunteering activities to count as credited hours for graduation. Maybe add some "group think" groups that attempt to solve problems that society faces. Of course parenting goes a long way, but the more positive interaction a child has with people and the outside world the better chance the kid has.

What problems are you referring to? Actually, social problems are responsible for social change. Each culture has unique issues related to youthful antisocial behavior. As long as there is youth, there will be resistance against the status quo because the matrix of society is in a constant state of change. Kids are in a awkward and contradictory position. But our kids are our future. I have complete confidence in them..

Open communication, more open employment when they leave school, activities for youths in the community, better housing in better neighborhoods and respect for them as people not as objects that need to be beaten down till they come around

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